Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Free at last.

Free from negativity, 
Free from hate,
Free from greed,
Free from the material,
Free from need,
Free from jealousy,
Free from pity, self loathing, and strife,
Free from all the things in life that distract us from its true purpose, from its beauty... from the truth.

To become selfless in a world full of selfish tendencies.

I discovered me.

I am proud of who I am.

Selfless and free.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Spring Forward, Fall Back

In November the hours are slower:
winding-down weather, the fresh lather
of a first snow. The winter,
with its months of hospital afternoons

waits huddled just over the border.
And ice will make all the distances
that much further. Speak now, kiss now
before the river freezes altogether.

-Troy Jollimore